U Mad Bro? – A Disney Obsession

I was just thinking about the famous tweet of Richard Sherman to Tom Brady with the caption “U mad bro?”  This sparked a whole controversy through the sports world. The obsession of Richard Sherman and Tom Brady in each other’s head. That one phrase. “U mad bro?”

So to put that quote into the Disneyverse, are “U Mad bro?” for Disney.  Are you Disney obsessed?? The dictionary gives this definition for obsession: a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling. Unfortunately I am.

DisneyFanatic.com Has an interesting article on 10 Symptoms of a Disney Obsession: You need to check it out. Here are their top ten:

  1. You discover hidden Mickeys in everyday life.
  2. You check attraction wait times….from your house.
  3. You want to talk about Disney to anyone at any time.
  4. You “speak” Disney.
  5. Disney makes you cry (in a good way)!
  6. You start planning your next Disney vacation before the end of your current Disney vacation.
  7. You constantly compare things to the way stuff looks/tastes/smells in Disney.
  8. Your coffee tastes better when you drink it from a Tinkerbell mug.
  9. On your last day in the parks, you’re secretly angry at all of the people who are just starting their Disney vacations.
  10. Driving away from Disney feels like the worst day of your life…every time you do it.

You cannot possibly claim that you do not at least one of these obsessions.  Maybe not if you visit the parks regularly, but I think it still happens. But the above are not the only causes of Obsessive Disney Disorder (ODD).  Constant Facebook, Twitter Disney reading. Reading majority of Disney Blogs, and websites. Disney movie watching while quoting line by line and sing every song perfectly are also signs.

Other signs may be: You Get Excited When A New Disney Film Is Announced To Be In Production, You Try To Wangle Disney Into Your Holidays, You Daydream About A Disney Themed Wedding, You Get Mad When People Confuse Films For Disney When They’re Not Disney, and Sometimes You Get Ultra Depressed That Magic Isn’t Real. 

Yes, we all are mad. Mad as a Hatter for Disney. Obsessed and proud of it. Obsessed and hope there is never a cure for it. U Mad Bro? Welcome to the Group, why don’t you tell us your name and why you’re here, we’ve been waiting for you!!

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